Radical news
Good news :-) Thanks, many thanks, to Michael and Enos we are powering Radical with new fuel.
A new home
Still GitHub, no worries, but we also decided to leverage GitHub Pages to have a nice front-end: http://radical.topics.it
Universal Apps
Started by the tireless Enos and brought to an end during the past Holidays we can finally announce that we now support Universal Apps. The new version is hosted in a new repository because is has a different lifecycle from the desktop one.
With the complicity of Michael and Nazareno (http://blogs.ugidotnet.org/ddl) the documentation is richer every single day: https://github.com/RadicalFx/radical/wiki
Visual Studio Templates
Tadaaaaa :-) finally, after a long sweat and some crying too we now have Visual Studio templates support, available today in the Visual Studio Gallery: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/5ff17cc4-ecf3-4395-9e18-d4673186e2fe