Guisa Meeting 1…
Finally it’s here: http://guisa1.eventbrite.com/, the first live GUISA event has been organized.
A new format
we want to introduce a new format, we are typically used to two main formats:
- Speaker driven events, talks, where the speaker drives the knowledge one way from himself to the audience;
- Whiteboard events where the audience discuss something and in some case there is just a moderator to keep persons on focus;
We would like the have the best of both:
- Sessions will last 90 minutes:
- The first 60 minutes are speaker driven;
- The last 30 minutes are for the discussion;
- Session must be about real world projects: the session host will introduce in the first 60 minutes the requirements and choices done to achieve the goal in real world scenario;
- Session must be followed by a discussion on the presented choices: the speaker must be ready o be criticized
Hurry up!
The event will be hosted by the “Banca di Credito Cooperativo” in Treviglio (BG) and as all the community events will be free.