I tool interni: santi subito
Before we move on to UI testing for Visual Studio 2010, I’d like to share a few numbers that represent the scale of automated UI regression testing for Visual Studio 2008.Fonte: http://blogs.msdn.com/visualstudio/archive/2010/03/30/wpf-in-visual-studio-2010-part-6-automated-ui-testing.aspx
- Visual Studio 2008 had ~65,000 automated UI regression tests at the time of shipping.
- The core UI automation framework (non-Visual Studio specifics) was around ~41,000 lines of code (excluding comments, 175 files)
- The core Visual Studio parts (think tool windows, editors, projects etc.) of the UI automation framework was around ~147,000 lines of code (excluding comments, 763 files)
- On top of the core Visual Studio parts was built an additional layer of product features (Data tools, Debugger, Deployment, DLinq, Test Tools, Office Tools, VSSDK, Smart Devices, Team Foundation, VC, Web Forms, Win Forms and Class Designer) totaling an additional ~400,000 lines of code (excluding comments, 1840 files)