Previous posts in this series:
What we have seen until now is something trivial, we do not need a design time experience to design a so simple PersonViewModel, but what about the following?:
class PersonViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public ObservableCollection<AddressViewModel> Addresses { get; private set; }

    //remaining code omitted for clarity
where the address view model is:
class AddressViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = ( s, e ) => { };

    private void OnPropertyChanged( string propertyName )
        var h = this.PropertyChanged;
        h( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs( propertyName ) );

    String _street;

    public String Street
        get { return _street; }
            _street = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "Street" );

    String _city;

    public String City
        get { return _city; }
            _city = value;
            this.OnPropertyChanged( "City" );
And finally this is the UI we want to design with design time data:
where obviously we want to see a list of addresses.
First of all we need to declare to the designer that we want to expose the new property, in the constructor add the following snippet:
this.Expose( vm => vm.Addresses );
The property is immediately available at design time to be bound to the ItemsSource property of the ListView:
And in the same manner we can design ListView columns:
But we want more we want to see a list of addresses with values, but now we have to face an interesting type safety problem.
Statically typing
In order to keep things safe everything in Radical.Design aims to be type safe in fact if you try to set a value the the Addresses exposed property you get the intellisense ask for a ObservableCollection<AddressViewModel>:
That is an interesting sitcom :-) we have type safety where basically we do not need it, the designer is totally non-interested in the types, in term of type safety, it is interested in the shape of the types we are passing along.
Enter “similarity”
Since we, as developers, are confortable with type safety in a scenario like the one outlined above we can ask Radical.Design to trust us:
this.Expose( vm => vm.Addresses )
    .WithSimilarValue( new List<DesignTimeAddressViewModel>()
        new DesignTimeAddressViewModel()
    } );
we are telling to the infrastructure: use a list of DesignTimeAddressViewModel and trust me they will be structurally equivalent (from a designer point of view) to a observable collection of AddressViewModel and since we have defined the new design time view model in this way:
public class DesignTimeAddressViewModel : DesignTimeHost<AddressViewModel>
    public DesignTimeAddressViewModel()
        this.Expose( vm => vm.City )
            .WithStaticValue( "Milan" );

        this.Expose( vm => vm.Street )
            .WithStaticValue( "Piazza Duomo" );
As soon as we select columns in the ListView designer we get what we expect:
But we want even more, we want to let the UI guys to edit the addresses list directly in the designer.